Increase your advertising ROI by up to 20%, simply by choosing the right images

With The Face Whisperer for Advertising and Marketing

Why should you bother with body language?

The more personal your marketing, the more money you make – it’s the simple reason why successful companies across the world use so many people in their marketing, their advertising, their emails, all over the website…

But why does body language make such a difference? There are tonnes of reasons:

Give your brand an identity that customers can relate to
Become easier to remember
Become more trustworthy too
Let your market identify with your brand’s personality
Make your audience more comfortable and keen to engage
In other words, using body language in your marketing and advertising is great news for your reputation (and even better news for your profits).

Costs start from £1,000 +VAT for full analysis and report.

Why use my help to choose your images?

The truth is, it’s easy to generate loads more revenue from your marketing simply by using the right pictures and the right body language. As long as you know how.

As a qualified body language expert, I know exactly what emotions look like, and I’ll happily guide you to remove guesswork, make your messaging more effective, and go after that 20% uplift in ROI. Here’s how:

How does the key image analysis process work?

Here’s what a typical partnership with The Face Whisperer looks like – but don’t be afraid to ask me to tailor the process – this is all about making things work for YOUR campaign.

Step 1: We talk

Invite me to your initial briefing to stakeholders and, together, we’ll clarify the objectives for the key visuals in your next advertising or marketing campaign. That means pinpointing exactly how you want your audience to feel when they look at the pictures you’re using.

Step 2: We look

Perhaps you’ve already got a store of images that you want to choose from, maybe you’ll be taking new photos and using those instead. Wherever your images are coming from, there’ll be both good ones and bad ones in the mix. So we’ll look at what you’ve got, and I’ll show you exactly why some might work and why others definitely won’t. My analysis will be based solely on years of body language research and image selection that typically leads to a 20% uplift in ROI. I’ll provide you with a written report too, so you know what to look for next.

Step 3: We choose

Once I’m happy with your final shortlist of images, we’ll sit down together and choose the ones that really convey your message best. We’ll make sure all the components meet your original objective and that you’ve got absolute clarity on your key messages from top to bottom. You’ll end up with a much smaller number of images that are far more likely to convert your audience and generate more revenue from the campaign.